We have updated our website! We hope you like the changes as much as we do. As is the way with most things we are anticipating a few bugs and errors will need to be worked out as we continue to update and develop our new look. Don’t worry, we are still the same St. John’s Anglican Church you know and love and we can’t wait to improve our community connection.

We ask that you please bear with us through this transition and we ask for your prayers in this endeavour.

God bless,

St John’s Anglican Church Community

2 Responses

  1. Good morning! I am a lapsed Anglican. Since Father Bower, actually. He buried my husband 20 years ago and I found myself far too emotional to attend for several years. I have since retired, survived cancer twice, cared for my father up north until we found him a bed in a nursing home and bought a trailer that I lived in for 5 months of the years I was able to. I’ve since sold the trailer and find myself in Cambridge full time.

    I noticed on the website you quote Sunday Services as both Eucharistic.
    8:00 am Holy Eucharist, Book of Common Prayer
    10:30am Sung Eucharist, Book of Alternaltive Services

    My question is this… is this for all Sundays? Does it change every week? I find myself wanting to come back…

    1. Hi Annette,
      You are among friends here! Many of us are lapsed Anglican or recovering Christians of various denominations. We follow a 3 year rotation in which we cover the entire bible and book of common prayer during that time set out by the Anglican Church. This means that every Sunday has a different topic, focus, prayers, readings, and songs. We hold Eucharist every Sunday at both services, and join in spreading the peace during the service as well as fellowship after service. Our services are always at the same time every Sunday with tea and coffee time to follow (run by donation). Our 10:30 Service is our most attended service and if you are looking for community and fellowship we would highly recommend you attend this service. We hope to meet you soon!

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